Thursday, June 7, 2007

Just Started Out

Woot! Finally, after a 4 year hiatus from blogging, I have decided to start up a blog once again. I pondered a while before deciding on making a blog, as I feel that blogs are great personal diaries but I'm not that keen on the idea of writing out my life for the world to see. =) Instead, I'd rather share my interests with everyone, and hopefully this blog will be able to help you out in some small way or another. And maybe, I may learn some stuff from you guys as well.

This is primarily a finance / money blog, where I will discuss all things financial. I am not a finance professor or banker/financial planner, to be honest. Thus I cannot say that my posts are constructed by an expert. However, what I aim to achieve is to provide an informative, first-person perspective and opinionated blog for you all to have a look. Do bear with me if I end up looking stupid at times, k? Haha but nonetheless hope this project/hobby will be useful in any way to everyone.

Small nuggets of information regarding this blog:
I'll discuss, disclose, review various financial and money issues, such as financial planning, investment issues, making money etc with objective and subjective views, at time injecting my own opinions to give my two cents' worth.

Give me some time to pump up this blog, and I look forward to your support.



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