Sunday, June 24, 2007

Short Term Strategy Details

Although with 35% of my money in short-term - not the highest portion of my 3 prongs - I am choosing to spend the most time with it because of two things.

ONE: It generates the best returns for my money.
TWO: It equips me with investments knowledge and skills which I believe will help me out in future should I pursue a career in Banking & Finance.

Short-term wise, I choose to to make money through the stock market. The STI (Straits Times Index), i.e. the Singapore Stock Index has been surging like a bull on drugs these 12 months, so much so that it has gained over 1000 points from under 2500 mid last year till over 3600 now!!

Straits Times Index (Mid-2006 to Mid-2007)

My goodness, the recent IPOs have made a buckload of investors multi-millionaires overnight. Before you jump right in and start smacking stocks left, right and centre, let me pour a bit of cold water. Remember 1999? The dot-com boom? Yeah, felt good didn't it? Year 2000? The dot-com bust? Felt like crap didn't it? Now's the boom, so everybody feels good. When is the bust gonna come? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year? I am aware that this euphoria will not last, so I'm not jumping head-in to the stock market, but slowly picking strong stocks to buy into rather than chasing the flavors of the day.

Jacking stocks wantonly will never be a credible short term plan, because just as intensely stock prices rise, they can drop just as easily. Just look at the top gainers and losers at the end of each day. Even in this stock market, some stocks can lose over 40% of their value in a single day! At this stage, most of us beginners will NOT be able to handle the fluctuations, and I find it no point to put my money in based on luck. Might as well bet on soccer... (well, I do, but $10 here and there only for fun hehe..)

Currently I am building up my fledging portfolio with the limited money pool I have, but it has been growing pretty well over the past few weeks. I buy my stocks based on fundamental analysis - i.e. judging the financial fundamentals of the companies - and try to balance between high-risk shares and moderate-risks shares. I also find dividend-paying stocks pretty attractive, and am currently holding a couple of them. =) Overall I am confident of getting a 15% return by end-August, especially since one of my dividends will pay me a few hundred quid. So this would mean I only have to pump up another 10% for the rest of the period from September till June next year to hit my 25% target. If I exceed it, all the better! =P

Currently I am also researching the warrant market for any good buys, but I don't plan to make any moves yet because I am still learning more about warrants. Till I comprehend them fully, I shall stick to shares for now.

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